Saturday, 15 May 2021

Frog tape review

 Like the majority of model makers I have gone through several types of masking tape in the production of my models. I have tried everything from the cheapest pound store tapes all the way to the VERY expensive Tamiya masking tape. While the Tamiya tape is excellent in almost every way, it is expensive and can sometimes be an absolute pain to track down. On one such occasion I had run out of the Tamiya tape and was in desperate need of it. I resorted to my home DIY tool box in the hope that I had some type of masking tape there. I had forgotten that my wife had picked up a roll of Frog tape from my local DIY store for me on my last home decoration project. As a masking tape for home DIY use I can only say good things about it so I decided to give it a go on my model. 

The tape is fantastic as it provides excellent adhesion, leaves no residue behind on the surface and has proved to be amazing value for money when used in strips that I cut from lengths of tape that I lay out on my cutting matt. The great part of this is that with a sharp knife and a rule I can cut any length and thickness of tape that I require at the time for any model that I am making. If you are a regular reader of my website then no doubt you will have noticed the distinctive green tape holding together various sections of the models in my progress shots. I have used this as a masking tape for paint on occasion as well! Its great for masking plain plastic and then spraying but you have to be careful when masking over pre-painted acrylic finishes as sometimes the adhesion is a little too good and can remove the paint. I have heard that Frog tape are now producing a low adhesion version of their tape. When I come across a roll I will definitely buy some and give it a go! (SEE BELOW; I BOUGHT SOME AND TRIED IT)

I cannot recommend this tape enough for model making. Although the tape is expensive per roll (£5 approximately) when compared to other masking tapes available; When you consider the strips that can be cut from a normal roll of 1 & 3/4" thick tape its excellent value for money and a single roll normally lasts me around 12 - 14 months of constant use.  


Shortly after writing up this review I was presented with a surface finish on my latest project that I was really nervous about. Remembering that I had mentioned in this review that Frog tape were making a low adhesion version of their tape I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity to buy some. I paid the same for a reel of this as I would for the original so I was pleasantly surprised before I'd even tried it! After using this yellow wonder tape I can honestly say that I don't think I will buy and use anything else for airbrush work. It is fantastic; as simple as that. Easy to cut, even easier to use. It forms itself around the shapes of the model and sticks to itself really well (fantastic for overlapping around awkward parts). As far as removal post painting, I had complete confidence in it when removing from less than 24 hr cured paint. It really was a joy to use and can't recommend a better combination of tapes than green and yellow frog tape for a model maker of any experience. 


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