Friday, 8 May 2015

120 mm Parachute Regiment in Arnhem WWII

This represents the last of my "stash" of 120 mm figures that I promised I would finish as part of my 2015 new years resolution to complete before buying any new models.

Its a Maurice Corry figure that I had bought a few years ago and never got round to starting. The figure itself is as always beautifully rendered save for some minor parts issues which I will discuss below. The supplied figure looks like this:

The first of the issues that I was faced with were some rather unsightly bubbles from the casting process around the neck of the figure. These were opened up to reveal the total extent of the mis-casting and then completely filled with some squadron white putty. The next problem that I had to face was the fit of the left arm to the figure. There was only contact with about a quarter of the mating surfaces and was a little hesitant to rely on this for a good bond before filling the gap. To resolve this I opted to use a two part epoxy glue that would build up the missing resin from the joint and add the strength to the part that I wanted. Once the glue had cured I then proceeded with additional filler to complete the joint prior to priming:

After a bit of a break I decided to make a start on this again. First order of business for me was to coat the model in primer and see if there is any additional work:

The figure did not really require any additional work so painting began with a base coat of humbrol enamel for the jacket and Vallejo English uniform brown for the trousers

The additional parts were quite well represented, however the PIAT round case will require quite a lot of additional work

After quite a bit of fettling and filler, the rounds case was brought up to a reasonable standard and the PIAT had the internal pin in the barrel added to it. Painting was as usual carried out in Humbrol Enamels, followed by several oil washes and dry brushing.

painting of the camouflage was a little bit of a challenge but perseverance and patience is really the secret to achieving a realistic pattern to the smock. A few oil washes once the enamel base colours were applied and I am very happy with the result:

The base was kept very simplistic with some static grass over green foam to provide texture and a little interest

The figure itself is a good rendition of a soldier from this era and the sculpting as always from Maurice Corry is fantastic. For some reason I just couldn't get enthused about this one? The figure is now complete and resides on the shelf with my other 120 mm figures but it has been placed at the back and I doubt very much whether it will be brought forward onto the shelf anytime soon.

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